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File List  |  1993-02-01  |  13KB  |  179 lines

  1. Filename       Size      Date    Description of File Contents
  2. ============ ========  ========  ============================================
  4. ABOUTEMS.ZIP    11861  09-26-89  All You Wanted To Know About Various Types
  5.                                | Of Extended And Expanded Memory Including A  
  6.                                | Nice History Of The Development Of The EmS
  7.                                | Structure As Used With The Intel 80x86 Chips
  8. ADCAC122.ZIP    10859  12-06-91  AdCache V1.22 Fast Efficient EMS-Based Cache
  9.                                | Up To 32MB; Detects 386 Processor; Qemm And
  10.                                | Desqview Compatible
  11. ADDRAM10.ZIP    26121  02-14-89  Addram V1.0: Increment DOS Memory By 64K,
  12.                                | Includes ASM Source
  13. CHIPTECH.ZIP    20656  03-02-90  Memory Manager - 386 C&T Systems
  14. CLEARMEM.ZIP      916  01-05-92  Clear Out Your High Memory From Clutter
  15. CMS_QEMM.ZIP     3137  07-07-91  CONFIG.SYS Setup With QEMM & DOS 5.0
  16. COMBI010.ZIP    16738  07-01-92  Combination CACHE/RAMDISK All In One!
  17.                                | This Great Program Comes From Moscow,
  18.                                | Uses XMS, Will Also Load HI!
  19.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 8/13/91  Newest: 10/26/91
  20. CT41.ZIP        52593  12-27-91  Cache Test V4.1, Gives Info On Your Cache
  21.                                | 2 files - New:11/13/1991  Old:11/13/1991
  22. CTRLALT.ZIP     54599  04-17-86  Collection Of TSR Utils Like Sidekick
  23. DOSMAX17.ZIP    59261  08-11-92  Load DOS (3.1 Thru 5) Into UMBs Rather Than
  24.                                | In HMA And Load More Of it, Version 1.7, If
  25.                                | You Need The HMA For Something Else, This
  26.                                | Would Make Sense, Includes A Driver To Free
  27.                                | Up QEMM LOADHI "Stubs" & A Driver To Load
  28.                                | The Primary Shell High From Your SHELL=
  29.                                | Statement, Good Package, Allows "Squeezing
  30.                                | The Last Drop" Of Waste Out Of Your
  31.                                | Conventional Memory
  32.                                | 15 files - New:07/23/1992  Old:07/23/1992
  33. EMM441.ZIP      43872  02-10-92  New 386EMM.COM For DOS 5.0 Update
  34.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 12/17/91  Newest: 12/17/91 
  35. EMS40_2.ZIP      5557  01-05-92  A File To Utilize Your EMS Memory
  36. FL114.ZIP       33719  03-01-92  Fast Load V1.14 Programs From EMS/XMS Memory
  37. FREE4.ZIP        6198  02-16-87  Checks For Available Memory
  38. FULLVIEW.ZIP    43121  03-08-92  Fullview Memory Analysis Tool, Lets You Look
  39.                                | At Each Area Of Memory, Even Active, To See
  40.                                | What It Holds, More Detailed Than Manifest
  41. HILOAD10.ZIP    18893  06-18-90  Load TSR's Into High Memory
  42. HIMEM304.ZIP     9510  05-04-92  Microsoft's Latest HIMEM.SYS Driver (3.04)
  43. HIMOV214.ZIP   118816  08-15-92  A Fine Shareware Memory Manager For 286 And
  44.                                | 386 Machines
  45. HITS.ZIP        38731  09-25-92  Allows You To Measure The SMARTDRV Cache's
  46.                                | Success Rate
  47. MAM107.ZIP      27057  11-07-91  Memory Allocation Manager v1.07; Can Be Used
  48.                                | To View The State Of Memory Including UMB,
  49.                                | EMS And XMS, View TSR's, System Memory Use,
  50.                                | Device Drivers, ETC, Either Separately Or
  51.                                | Together, Interrupt Vectors Used By Each TSR
  52.                                | Or Memory Area Are Displayed, Can Be Used To
  53.                                | Manage Memory, Similar To The MARK & RELEASE
  54.                                | Programs, Too Much More To List Here
  55.                                | 2 Files - New: 09/01/1991  Old: 09/01/1991
  56. MEMHINTS.ZIP    10062  02-12-92  Text: Helpful Memory Hints For People Using
  57.                                | DOS 5.0 And/Or QEMM, If You Want The Most Out
  58.                                | Of Your Memory, Use These Tips
  59.                                | 7 files - New:01/07/1992  Old:01/01/1980
  60. MEMKIT.ZIP     131127  09-12-91  Ms-DOS V5.0 Memory Management Kit, The
  61.                                | Complete Memory Manager For Your PC, it Works
  62.                                | In Conjunction With Ms-DOS Version 5.0, Loads
  63.                                | TSRs And Device Drivers Into High DOS Memory
  64.                                | on 8088 & 80286 PCs (Not Just 80386 PCs)
  65. MEMSCAN.ZIP      3410  03-24-92  MEMory SCANner Is A TSR Program That Lets You
  66.                                | Scan RAM During Pgm Execution, By Pressing A
  67.                                | Hot-Key Combination; 02/23/92; C. F. Martin
  68. MSDRIVER.ZIP    60698  02-13-92  New HIMEM, SmartDrive, RamDrive And EMM386
  69.                                | For Dos 5.0
  70.                                | 4 files - New:12/17/1991  Old:08/27/1991     
  71. PCDOCTOR.ZIP    47323  04-28-92  Like MANIFEST See PC TSR's, Device Drivers,
  72.                                | And Much Much More!
  73.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 1/10/92  Newest: 1/15/92
  74. PMAP210.ZIP     33896  08-11-92  PMAP (Program MAP) v2.10; Displays How Your
  75.                                | PC's RAM Is Being Used, Lists All Active
  76.                                | Programs (Including TSRs), Displays Free
  77.                                | Memory Areas And Their Locations, Identifies
  78.                                | Device Drivers, Summarizes Expanded Memory
  79.                                | Use, And Much More
  80. PU113.ZIP       85181  07-25-92  PopUp v1.13; Can Turn Any Normal DOS Program
  81.                                | Into A TSR, In Only 6K Of Conventional Memory
  82.                                | Swaps To EMS, XMS, And Disk
  83. QBUFFERS.ZIP     4136  05-04-92  Quarterdeck's BUFFERS.TEC, How We Do What We
  84.                                | Do With DOS Buffers
  85. QDOS5.ZIP        7769  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's DOS5.TEC - DOS 5.00 Technotes
  86.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 3/26/92  Newest: 3/26/92
  87. QEMM601.ZIP      2402  11-09-91  Text File on the Upgrades From QEMM 6.0->6.1
  88. QEMM6DOC.ZIP    80790  12-06-91  Qemm Ver 6.00 Doc File Updated
  89. QEMMERR.ZIP      6835  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's QEMMERR.TEC - QEMM And LOADHI
  90.                                | Error Messages And What They Mean
  91. QEMMERRR.ZIP     4618  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's QEMMERRR.TEC - QEMM-386 Error
  92.                                | Messages
  93. QEMMTECH.ZIP    25319  09-18-90  Tech Notes on QEMM
  94. QEXCLUDE.ZIP     4317  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's EXCLUDE.TEC - Using QEMM-386's
  95.                                | Analysis Procedure To Find Memory Conflicts
  96. QEXCPT13.ZIP     4129  04-28-92  Explanation Of QEMM-13 (And 12) Errors
  97. QIA.ZIP          5502  04-28-92  QEMM-386 And KeyBoard "Behavior"
  98. QLOADHI5.ZIP     3674  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's LOADHI5.TEC - Loadhio; Recent
  99.                                | Versions
  100. QLOADHI6.ZIP     5600  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's LOADHI6.TEC, What OPTIMIZE And
  101.                                | LOADHI Do
  102. QMCA.ZIP         3548  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's MCA.TEC - Microchannel
  103.                                | Adapters, MCA ADL, QEMM-386, QEMM 50/60 And
  104.                                | QRAM
  105. QMENU10.ZIP     29945  03-24-90  Menu System for QEMM 5.0+
  106. QOPTIMIZ.ZIP     9720  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's OPTIMIZE.TEC - OPTIMIZE
  107.                                | Technote
  108. QOS_DOS5.ZIP     3717  06-17-91  Information on QEMM, DOS5 & DesqView
  109. QOUTMEM.ZIP      2154  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's OUTMEM.TEC - Out Of Memory
  110.                                | Messages
  111. QSMRTDRV.ZIP     2203  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's SMARTDRV.TEC - Microsoft's
  112.                                | Smartdrv Disk Cache
  113. QSTEALTH.ZIP     8388  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's STEALTH.TEC - Trouble Shooting
  114.                                | The New Stealth Technology
  115. QTOKEN.ZIP       3574  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's TOKEN.TEC - QEMM 386 And IBM
  116.                                | Token Ring Cards
  117. QWIN3.ZIP        4687  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's WIN3.TEC - Windows 3.0 With
  118.                                | DESQview And QEMM
  119. QWINDOWS.ZIP     3838  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's WINDOWS.TEC - Microsoft Windows
  120.                                | And Applications
  121. QWINFLOW.ZIP    12408  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's WINFLOW.TEC - The Latest And
  122.                                | Greatest In Trouble Shooting Windows 3.0
  123.                                | Problems With QEMM And DV
  124. QWINTRBL.ZIP     6959  04-28-92  Quarterdeck's WIN-TRBL.TEC - Windows 3.0/
  125.                                | QEMM386 Trouble Shooting
  126. RAMFREE.ZIP       971  09-12-92  Checks The Memory Of Your RAM And Displayes
  127.                                | It On The Screen,
  128.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 8/11/85  Newest: 8/11/85
  129. REMM470.ZIP     15024  07-04-92  RAMpage! Expanded Memory Manager For EMS/XMS
  130.                                | Memory Boards, Latest Version, Very Good,
  131.                                | Works Well With SMARTDRV.SYS
  132. SEEMEM10.ZIP    21462  10-17-91  Better Than Your Old Memory Mapper, Makes Use
  133.                                | Of DOS 5 Memory Facilities, Displays Info    
  134.                                | About All TSRs In UMBS, XMS, HMA, EMS, ETC
  135.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 10/17/91  Newest: 10/17/91 
  136. SHADTEST.ZIP     7215  08-15-92  A Utility Designed To Test For The Presence
  137.                                | Of Installed Shadow RAM
  138. SMART12.ZIP     22070  04-28-92  Excellent Utility For Smartdrive, A Menu
  139.                                | Gives You Info On Cache Hits, ETC, Lets You
  140.                                | Adjust Cach From The Command Line
  141. SRM200.ZIP      22983  04-28-92  This Will Speed Up Your Computer By Lowering
  142.                                | The Number Number Of Time A Refresh Command
  143.                                | For RAM Is Done, But Still Maintain RAM, It
  144.                                | Is Stated You Get About A 10% Improvement In
  145.                                | Speed By Releasing Clock Cycles For Normal
  146.                                | Processing
  147. TLB_V202.ZIP   360654  10-16-92  The Last Byte Memory Manager v2.02;
  148.                                | Excellent Upper Memory Manager For 8088
  149.                                | And Up Machines, (EMS Required For 8088,
  150.                                | Most 286 Chipsets Are Also Supported)
  151.                                | Files: 31  Oldest: 4/12/92 Newest: 7/2/92
  152. TSELECT.ZIP    235573  07-15-92  TSR-Select v1.06; Turns Any Program Into An
  153.                                | 8k TSR, TSR-Select, Advanced Method Of
  154.                                | Accessing Other Programs From Inside Your
  155.                                | Current Program, Allowing The User To Access
  156.                                | Program B While Running Program A, Without
  157.                                | Having To Exit Program A
  158. TSRCOM32.ZIP    76093  12-12-91  Mark And (Remove) Disable TSR's From Memory
  159. UMBDR522.ZIP    39529  03-03-92  UMB_DRVR V5.22: DOS 5.0 UMB Provider/Base
  160.                                | Memory Expander; Uses Chip Level Support For
  161.                                | Certain Chip Sets To Supply UMBs To DOS 5.0
  162.                                | And To Expand DOS Base Memory, Fully
  163.                                | Configurable, Uses No Resident Memory,
  164.                                | Allows Even HIMEM.SYS And EMM386.EXE To
  165.                                | Load High; Currently Supports C&T 'NEAT'
  166.                                | Chip Set For 286/386SX Machines
  167.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 2/20/92  Newest: 2/20/92
  168. UMBFILES.ZIP     7368  10-28-91  Makes Use Of The Upper Memory Blocks In
  169.                                | DOS Ver 5.0
  170. UNMAP.ZIP        2596  12-06-91  QEMM Unmap Patch
  171. VRAM386.ZIP     63538  12-07-90  Vitural 386 EMS & XMS Memory Manager
  172. XDISK331.ZIP    63614  07-27-92  Resizable EMS-RAM Disk, Lim 3+, DOS-5 Aware,
  173.                                | Options Include: Resizing On-The-Fly Without
  174.                                | Or With (Limited) Preservation Of Disk Data,
  175.                                | Disk Collapse, UMB Selfloading, DOS Command
  176.                                | Line Load/Unload (DOS 2-4), Password Access
  177. XPANDISK.ZIP    26412  10-31-88  Add A VDisk In Expanded Memory